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TESSR Guidelines: How to Use "Studio" - Playlist

Writer: Leia EmeeraLeia Emeera

TESSR Studio Playlist feature

Playlist - What are its Usages?

TESSR Playlist

Playlists consists of scenes from projects you have access to. With this module, you can choose to make your own or generate one from TESSR’s recommended templates. Either way, these highly customisable playlists can help you with the organisation of your digital workspace—sort and prioritise to make the best use of your time.

A. Create and Personalise a Playlist (Left-hand Side)

1. Create a new playlist

This feature is located on the left-hand side, and by clicking on the “plus” icon you can customise your own playlists. Name your playlist to best match its purpose. You are then given two (2) options:

a. Create a Playlist:
TESSR_A Project Management Tool Built for Creatives

These are playlists with scenes that are hand-picked, based on specific criteria—or to put it in a simpler way, you can customise this playlist. There are further adjustments you can explore after the creation of a playlist:

i. Share: Initially, the playlist is unable to be seen and found by others—unless you have shared it with them. You can start sharing it with others, by choosing their names and setting their permissions as “View” or “Edit”.

ii. Duplicated playlists: This helps you with reducing the steps for the creation of similar playlists.

iii. Preferences: There are three (3) features: Scene order, Clear up playlist and Default rendition. When you combine one of these features with the “Multi-selection” tool, you will be able to organise your playlist based on your own priorities or goals.

iv. Drag Scene: This comes in handy when you want to move scenes around. Simply hover over the six (6) dots on the left-hand side of each scene and drag.

b. Create a Workspace Playlist:
Creating a Workspace Playlist

These refer to ones that are automatically shared to all the members in a workspace you are in. By default, playlists that are created in Workspace will be set under “Hidden” mode—which can only be found by clicking on drop-down arrow.

To be able to edit and make it visible, click on the “eye” icon to “Unhide (the) playlist”.

Create a Playlist using Recommended Playlists (Right-hand Side)

a. Most Frequently Used

Create a Playlist using Recommended Playlists (Right-hand Side)

This section is as straightforward as it sounds. Your Recommended playlists displays the playlists you use most often, for easy access. By suggesting frequently used playlists, the system enhances your experience by saving time searching for favourites.

b. All Recommended Playlists

There are two (2) ways to create a playlist using our recommended templates.

All Recommended Playlists
  • Short and "sweet": Click on the template’s thumbnail and select the criteria that is displayed on each template.

Create Playlist
  • Filtered and specific: Click on the template’s thumbnail, then go to the top left corner and choose “See more”. From here, you can further customise the time range, and add additional filters like Project Directory, Status, and Assignee.

i. Due Soon
Due Soon feature during creating Playlist

This playlist compiles scenes that are due soon, to ensure you stay ahead of your deadlines. To further customise its details, you can tweak its time range or choose a specific project, status and assignee.

ii. Recently Uploaded
Recently uploaded scenes

This playlist shows scenes which have the review files that were recently uploaded, helping you keep tabs on the progress of a project. If you’re someone who has been tasked with reviewal, simply create this playlist instead of going from project to project to check for uploads. Similarly, you can customise its details according to date and time, alongside a specific project, status or assignee.

iii. Recently Updated
Recently Updated feature

Scenes that have recently been updated will be sent to this playlist, including any changes on an existing file. Staying aware of minor details is an important part of maintaining the quality of a project, which this playlist can offer aid with. Again, you’re able to tweak what the playlist shows, according to time, date, assignee, project and status.

iv. Recently Commented
Recently Commented

Scenes that appear here have recently received comments—both written and auditory. Once again, they’re customisable according to the same criteria as previously mentioned. So, create a playlist that best suits your needs, and you’ll be able to keep laser focus on what you’ve been tasked to do.

v. Status
Selecting Status

Scenes are given statuses, according to standard or customised metrics. Here, you’ll be able to sort scenes according to a metric you wish to focus on. For example: if you set the playlist to pick out scenes that are “ready to review”, it provides an efficient way for you to check for what needs to be reviewed, without the tedious clicks. Again, this can be further customised, according to status, assignee or project.

vi. Active Take
Active Take as Accepted or Complete

Takes that have not been approved will appear here, filtering out ones with metrics that count a take as Accepted or Complete. This playlist allows you to fully focus on what needs your attention—especially with the customisable details provided.

vii. Assignee
Set an Assignee

This playlist allows you to choose an individual, to check what scenes they have that are yet to be completed. Managing your team is an important part of project management as a whole, and generating this can ease the process. Much like the others, this playlist allows you to choose a specific status and project, but more uniquely, its due date as well.

viii. Episode Linetest
Episode Linetest

Contextually, a Linetest is a process where takes are checked prior to them being used for final piece. In this playlist, you’ll be able to view the latest take of each scene in an episode. If one of your responsibilities fall along the lines of this particular process, the Episode Linetest playlist supports you in this task. The customisation options differ slightly from the rest of the playlists—you can choose to see a specific episode, and a certain status if needed.

B. View Your Playlists

View your Playlists

There are a few different organisational categories that playlists can go under, in order to make your experience smoother. Simply click on any category to view its drop-down list, where you are able to duplicate, delete or open the playlist.

  • My Playlists: These are all the playlists you have created, private to you by default.

  • Shared with Me: Other users can invite you to the playlists they have made. This helps centralise a team’s assigned tasks, boosting coordination.

  • Workspace Playlists: Playlists found here are ones you or your coworkers have made, that are shared to everyone in your workspace. Playlists like these simultaneously encourage transparency and supports a workspace’s organisational needs.

  • Hidden: Some workspace playlists may be unneeded by you. You might not be able to delete a public workspace playlist that is not yours, but that doesn’t make it any less of a nuisance. To clean up your online workspace, simply hide it by clicking on the “eye” icon.

* Quick tip: If your list of playlists is extensive, save yourself the effort of manually scrolling through categories with the Search tool. You can type the first few words of your playlist’s name, and the system will provide you with matching results to select from.



This is the second module under the “Studio” dropdown tab—but there’s still one last feature yet, and it’s arguably one of the most important modules in the TESSR app! Learn how to utilise TESSR Review, in the next instalment of this series.

Author Bio

From Malaysia, Leia Emeera is a writer at TESSR, and a published author. She has been putting pen to paper ever since she learned how to, and has an anthology to her name, titled 'Ten'. Leia loves music, games and her beloved labrador retriever, George. She aims to further her studies in English Literature and Creative Writing the moment her gap year ends. 'Till then, you will find her sitting behind a desk, writing with TESSR.

Connect with her on LinkedIn: Leia Emeera


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